Creation Archive

Creation Archive - image

The Creation Archive is a platform for technical inexperienced design students, to find inspiration and guidance for prototyping their projects.


Prototyping plays a crucial role in testing and communicating designs. In projects, where the way a technology is utilized is part of the concept, those have to be implemented to a certain degree.

For design students, with little to no experience in the technologies, they want to use, that means, they have to learn how to do so first.

The problem is, that existing documentations and resources are often pointed towards experienced individuals. The technical jargon, unfamiliar concepts, and abstract explanations can be frustrating and discouraging for those who are new to the topic.

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The Creation Archives aims to make knowledge more accessible. It uses the projects of other students, which utilized certain technologies, as a starting point. When you, while reading an article in the Archive, encounter a new terminology or concept, it should be as easy as possible, to find the needed information, even if you're not sure, what you're looking for.

To achieve that, the Archive uses, a structure, in which each information piece gets its own article, tagged with relevant metadata. Instead of relying on fixed categories that predetermine where the information is located, users filter to the desired article by the information they have.

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Search Page


The MVP showcases the platforms core structure, navigation, and filtering processes. It serves as both, a design prototype and the foundation for a fully functional webpage.

To enhance integration, the UI is designed to feel familiar to the HfG Schwäbisch Gmünds web presence, while the development is based on Kirby, the content management system, also already employed within the university's ecosystem.

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Article of a prototyped project

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Article of a specific explanation

In the end the project was handed over to the HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd, where it is currently being further developed.

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